Monday, June 8, 2015

Health Care Revisited

As seen previously, health care in Rochester is particularly efficient.  The Democrat and Chronicle recently provided another key piece of information which solidifies the region's ability to portray itself as a model for the rest of the country.  Using data collected by the Institute of Medicine, the Niagara Health Quality Coalition identified Rochester as having the fourth lowest health care costs in the nation out of 274 regions studied.  This ranking was based upon the amount that commercial health insurers pay doctors, hospitals, and other providers.  Given the complexity of healthcare payments, many caveats exist to these findings...the more I read, the less I understand.  With that said, low payments made by the insurance company do seem to translate into reasonable premiums for customers.

The findings of this study do identify a potential downside for the Rochester community: lower payments to physicians may make Rochester a less attractive location to practice medicine.  To which I would answer:

  1. The low cost of living and access to top tier public education more than compensate, or
  2. Suck it up b#&@%! 

1 comment:

  1. Rochester sounds like one of the greatest cities in the US and yet, most people have never heard about it. It's a shame that a city with the fourth lowest health care cost isn't as advertised as other cities.
